
“I was blessed to have one of the most enlightening and uplifting readings with Lara Nani.
From the outset I felt an immediate and strong connection. A sense of peace and happiness washed over me as soon as we connected.
This feeling lasted for a number of days after the reading as well.
Many of my questions were answered clearly and with great empathy, with quite a bit of humor provided by my guides.
Lara was very thorough and made sure I received the message in clear and concise narrative.
The unblocking of chakras and clearing of some very long-held beliefs and blockages were a very welcome and appreciated part of the reading. 
The double clearing was never before done for me and was amazing.
All in all this was one of the best experiences of my life.
Thank you Lara.”
Bev J

“My reading with Lara was amazing.
My first contact with Lara was an instantaneous sense of calmness,
Connection and warmth. She was quietly confident and engaging With a lovely smile and put me immediately at ease.
The reading was done very well and methodically.
Lara connected well with my guides. The information was accurate, Insightful and relevant.
I also appreciated the balancing of my chakras and clearing of blockages.
All in all I was left with a feeling of deep calm and lightness and was reconnected with myself.
I felt Lara went that extra mile.. amazing lady.
Wishing you peace on your new path.
Love & Light.”

I would like to thank you so much, for my amazing reading. The help you gave with Bliksie, he crossed over the rainbow bridge today at 4pm.. “

L’esperienza che ho avuto con Lara Nani è stata a dir poco sbalorditiva. Mi sono ritrovata dentro un mondo da cui ne sono uscita leggera e serena, capace di affrontare il problema che mi stava distruggendo.  
Mi ha aiutato a riprendere in mano la situazione, sentirmi più forte.

Lara si dimostra capace, attenta a sensibile a ciò che senti e dici durante le sedute. Mi sono rivolto a lei un paio di volte perché mi sentivo emotivamente appesantito e bloccato ed ho potuto beneficiare della sua arte confermando, quindi, quanto scritto sopra. Dopo le sue sedute mi sono sentito subito rassicurato e alleggerito. La consiglio davvero a tutti coloro che si sentono bisognosi di essere supportati. Provare per credere!!!
